2,000 A.D.

....In less than sixteen years we will enter the new century. The one with the funny Numbers that have a ring of space

and moon travel. It’s an exciting thought. Are you ready for it?
....Is anybody in the forest industry ready for it? I suppose the trees will be because they’ll just add on another ring, same as they did back in 1900 or 1800. That is, the trees that are growing.
....For you see, there will be a lot more space that doesn’t have trees growing – maybe just bush – because of the present political decisions across Canada concerning silviculture and planting practices.
....We have been given warnings by the eminent men of forestry in our country that we cannot continue to intensively cut – as we are doing – without sub-stantial increases to our forest hus-bandry practices.
....In spite of the warnings and clear facts put before provincial and federal governments, answers come back from our political people that there are other priorities more needing and the recession is the culprit.
....We know we are on dangerous ground with our lack of forestry research and our lack of silviculture and planting. Anyone who would argue the case is simply refusing to look at the facts.
....But do we know that we are on far more dangerous ground regarding the forest education of our people, parti-cularly our young?
....For years there has been a hue and cry across the land from the leaders of our forestry schools and forest research institutions that not enough money and talent is being put into all phases of forest education and forest research.
....Forests and forest products have been a dominant force in our Canadian

....The reason for the above would lie somewhere between people in govern-ment not really realizing the importance

of our forests and their resources – to an apathy that the resource is unlimited.
....Provincial governments are the land-
lords to most of the forest growing land in Canada. They set their standards and they are responsible for overseeing of the crop. In the United States, privatiz-ation of forest land is common and therefore the private companies hold a different outlook on what is theirs, against what the companies in Canada simply lease. There is a difference, Charlie!
....The recession has hurt and no one makes light of that fact. And in order to stay in business, West Coast companies are exporting more and more logs to foreign countries. The shame here is that research in the golden years awhile back might have given us more secondary industries today so we could get better value for our trees.
....My point in all this is that we have never taught the public who live outside the realm of forests and forestry that this great renewable resource has to be cared for with intelligence and deter-mination. This is a huge subject spread across 5,000 miles of land and it has variable regions, variable problems and many variable critics.
....We can’t reach that public when school teachers don’t understand that renewable resource. And few do.
....We can’t reach that public when the media don’t take the time to tell the complete forest story. And often they don’t.
....We can’t reach the public when our own large forest companies don’t understand how to get their own message across. There is a long way to go for most of these companies to gain
..............................continued on p. 17
by: Bill Moore
economy during all the boom building times since the Second World War. They can continue that dominance if we obey some simple rules. With a renew-able resource, you put back what you take. We are not doing that in our forest policy. And you also make positively sure that you have a steady supply of well trained and motivated people coming along who can harvest, tend and research the crops of the future.
....We constantly read in forestry perio-dicals about lack of research and lack of educational needs. In a way, that’s the in-formed talking to the informed. It’s a shame that these stories can’t be presented – with headlines – in our public’s daily literature. But then – I wonder just how interested most of the public is in such news!
....They undoubtedly are interested in great forest fires – or monster har-vesting machines – but I doubt that the average Mr. And Mrs. Public care much about the technicalities of our forests.
....Great amounts of money have been taken in over the years for the general revenues of provincial and federal governments from our forest resources. The totals would be staggering if you counted the taxes of corporations and work force – the stumpage and royalties and the various taxes on forest related machinery.
....It has always been a bone of con-tention that while a lot of money goes in to the government from our forests, not near enough comes back out to protect our forests’ future.

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Bill Moore

continued from p.14
the trust of the public. And that has been brought about by the sort of quietness and secrecy they work under.
....We can’t reach the public when we – government and industry – are not put-ting enough intelligence and money into solid educational associations and institutions that will attract young and old – but especially young – to be respectful of forests as so many in Europe are.
....I have seen and continue to see good forest associations and organizations scrape the floor for nickels and dimes to exist on in order to impart some knowledge of our forests to our youth.
....When do we wake up and realize that we are moving into a new age, that will require new skills, bright ideas, and bright idea people to keep our forest industry competitive in the 2000 ADs?
....We need an army of young people coming along who certainly won’t be foot loggers or green chain pullers.
....We need to impart to young people the true values of parks and wilderness areas. Not the blind – “don’t touch” –

but the intelligent process of “thinning the carrots” principle that real gardeners practice.
....We need to counter the ignorance of those who refuse to see the full picture of forests and forestry with common sense use of all forests.
....We need intensive research into our so-called “allowable waste” ideas. We are laughed at by those from other lands who come here and see the great slash areas with too much fibre left on the ground.
....We need to show the media and get their trust in our plans folr future forest endeavors. And we need ideas yet unborn to find uses for the world renowned fibre that the forests of Canada produce.
....One should remember that as jobs decrease in the logging and milling sector of our industries due to new technologies, jobs should increase in new secondary industries that can be created from our forest fibre.
....We have been by nature careless about the tending of our forests, careless about a soimple thing like putting out campfires, and careless about our utilization. New generations
yet to come should be taught to appre-ciate their forests and to use them with common sense and appreciation.
....We won’t instil that spirit in anyone better than our young. For they can grow wirth a sound forest appreciation if we do our teaching correctly.
....It’s a good time for forestry people to reassess our future needs, for we are hopefully turning the corner on some difficult times.
....Among those considerations a prior-ity should be given to a far better opportunity for our youth – and also our public – to be presented with new ways to understand and respect Canada’s forests and her forestry programs.
....Let’s give the gang in 2000 AD a little more than space suits – let’s give them something down to earth, like a good sound forest education from kindergarten to college.

“Keep out of the bight!”

Bill Moore